Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11/01 - The Day Bush Failed to Do His Job

Reflections of 9/11 and thoughts about the Bush Regime's new vicious campaign against the American people

Looking back at that beyond-terrible day five years ago, I maintain various streams of thought, not easily processed into flowing prose. Thus, I will enumerate them.

  1. The beginnings of my grave suspicions surrounding the events of 9/11 began with the Bush Regime resistance to the forming of an independent 9/11 Commission. I mean, major red flags really went up for me around that time. I was thinking "How could they possibly be obstructing the American people from finding the truth when 3,000 of our fellow citizens were murdered in front of our eyes?". Why wouldn't Bush and Cheney testify under oath, and even stranger, why did Bush have to have Cheney present to testify? I was downright horrified, and remain essentially so to this day. I also fear that the commission wasn't as independent as advertised and didn't have sufficient access to 9/11-related materials to appropriately assess that terrible day and events leading up to it. Former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, a member of the 9/11 Commission, recently raised a new red flag by acting as a participant in Sunday's lie-filled docudrama "The Path to 9/11". That doesn't exactly come off as "independence" to me.

  2. I've realized how overwhelming fear and sorrow can interfere with one's logical thinking and the public's overall ability to assess issues rationally. The Bush Regime took advantage of this, and that was probably the highest immoral act by a U.S. administration since Andrew Jackson mass-relocated native Americans in violation of a Supreme Court decision. While our collective heads were ensconced in the fog of 9/11, the Bush team cynically lied us and Congress into an elective war of aggression in Iraq. People who take advantage of others when they are down are the lowest of the low. The Bush Regime sold us Iraq as part of their "War on Terror" when it had absolutely nothing to do with that. The great disaster of 9/11 was followed by the great shame of Iraq. This has been a sad period indeed.

  3. My sense on the very day of 9/11/01 was that the buildings fell via controlled implosion. They fell too fast. How could jet fuel that burned at too low a temperature to melt steel and burned up quickly at the top of the buildings cause the entire buildings to crumble as if blown up by explosive devices at every level of the structure? And there is widely known evidence that WTC7 was ordered to be brought down. I still cannot envisage any other rationale for the buildings tumbling down the way they did. And there's no information I've ever been able to locate that convinces me of the official explanation. And certainly, we have learned that the Bush Regime cannot be trusted for shit. So, how will we ever find out the truth? It's maddening to think about.

  4. Katrina had an effect of clarifying for me how 9/11 transpired. I really do think Bush and his regime are a criminally negligent/exploitive bunch who only pay attention to how they can profit the most from any scheme they can dream up or from any catastrophe that happens because they're not watching that intently. Pre-9/11, they were fixated on missile defense and tearing up the ABM Treaty. Post-9/11, they were able to "get serious" about terrorism (in reality, beat the fear drums incessantly) and ultimately launch an elective war because it was easy to muddy the thinking of the American people. Either way, they intended to get rich beyond the dreams of avarice off the military-industrial complex. Bush "got lucky" (politically) off of 9/11 because of his ineptness and/or incuriousness to examine details in front of his face before 9/11. And his initial reactions to both 9/11 and Katrina seem to ring a distinctively similar tone (or should I say, tone-deafness). Katrina is indeed the "9/11 echo".

  5. I'm not the only one who finds it strange that Bush is suddenly interested in Osama bin Laden again -- just in time for the elections. I note that it took the U.S. and allies about four years to finish off Hitler, Hirohito and Mussolini, while bin Laden (without a large protective armed force that the dictators enjoyed) has been on the loose for five. I think it's clear that Bush, for whatever reason, decided that going after the guy who murdered more Americans than anyone in history wasn't important. Does it matter what the reason is? And how can this be explained to all the 9/11 widows? I would like to see Bush explain this directly to them.
Those are a number of my streams. Tell me (and everyone) about your streams of thought in comments.

For a final word, we have been hearing a lot lately from Rumsfeld (really, Rums failed), Cheney and Emperor Bush about how those of us American Patriots who challenge them on their extremely failed policies are somehow "aiding the terrorists" or "acting like Nazis". I will be blunt: Using language like this to describe opponents in what is supposed to be a democratic republic makes the Bush Regime Enemies of the Republic who must be stopped. Why? Because their language is indeed of the fascistic type that may well be a precursor to totalitarian actions against the American people. For these traitorous actions, as well as their other traitorous actions in abrogating the Constitution on multiple fronts, breaking multitudinous laws, mass-murdering Iraqis and wasting away our once-great military (and that's not the end of it), it would behoove the active citizens of the Republic to demand a removal of these unAmerican figures in the Bush Regime at the earliest possible moment.

What will it take for us to decide to directly take on the worst Presidency in U.S. history? Another 9/11 on Bush's "watch"? Another Katrina?

And if we decided to take action together, could they really stop us? At any rate, we owe it to all the people lost during the past 5 1/2 years to at least consider giving it a try. After all, it is Our Country. Right?

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